Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sweatiest Workout Ever!

...And not because I worked so hard either.  It's 80 (hallelujah!!) outside, so today's workout was intensified by the heat.  Don't think heat intensifies things?  Try Bikram Yoga--oh baby, that's a workout!

Just to catch up, I did a great workout on Thursday that ended up being a mini-training session with my favorite trainer, Brian Rager.  :)  I am struggling with my form on the sandbag clean, so we ended up working on that for about 20 minutes at what became the end of my workout.  My two favorite toddlers in the world came to see me, so I cut my workout short so I could babysit.  So much more fun that working out, but glad I got to it before they got there.

Yesterday, Friday, was the last day of school for teachers.  I got home early but was so emotionally wrung out that I laid down on the couch and slept for 90 minutes.  Yes, it was bliss.  I then declared it a rest day and did some finish work from my actual job.  I was looking forward to today's workout so much I wore my workout clothes all day until it was go time!

I recently (like in the last 2-3 days) realized that I was getting bored with my TRX/Resistance rotation, and that there were a lot of workouts that I used to do from Bodyrock that I missed.  Today I made my own workout using some oldies but goodies, as well as some new stuff I have picked up.  It wasn't my hardest workout ever, but it was a good one nevertheless.  Especially because of the heat--boy, did I sweat today!

My workout for today was:
5 minutes of jumprope
3 rounds of 45/15: Sandbag clean with press @ 45lbs and Jump Lunge with Ugi Twist
5 minutes of jumprope
3 rounds of 45/15: Pullups and Sandbag back lunge with kick-up
5 minutes of jumprope

Abs: Core split (about 20, I lost count)
Mason twist with Ugi (until I was tired)
Leg raise (not enough)

It wasn't a terribly long workout, but (again) I'm going with the heat for my excuse!  Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler so I'll endeavor to get in a longer workout.  Next time I will add two more rounds of intervals that I just didn't have the stomach for today due to the heat.  And in the future, I am going to alternate a resistance or TRX workout with an oldie from BR.  Variety is a necessity for me, and now that I am getting into better shape, it doesn't daunt me to consider mixing it up some more.  AND, I start running again next week!  Brother gets here Monday night, so Tuesday or Wednesday we will start running.  Whoo Hoo!  I can't wait!

Here I am doing the mason twist with Ugi.  I think that if I were doing this correctly, I would be looking straight ahead, but sometimes I forget important details like that.

I wasn't going to put in one of these pictures, except that I noticed my neck and shoulders.  Check out those traps!  Holy cow, that's crazy!

And yes, for the record, I do feel a little like a douche-bag interrupting my workout to set the camera.  However, blogging this little challenge has helped me stay more accountable and on track, so I will just be okay with feeling like a d-bag from time-to-time.

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