Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Keeping the Fires Burning

The work stress is really setting in (7 more school days), but I am keeping my priorities aligned and not letting work derail my fitness goal.  Today, upon waking this morning at 5, I just wanted to go back to bed for the day, and felt that way for the better part of the morning.  Fortunately, through a turn of events, I got to go home early, drink some caffeine, and then moved into my workout--no mental head game, I just did it.  There is beauty in habits that are good for you, your body starts to do them automatically, even when your head may be arguing.  Although I had intended to do 4 rounds of the routine, I was happy with three because I was exhausted and felt like quitting after two.  Here is my proof pics, doing a sumo squat with the ole' sandbag.  You gotta love my gym.  :)  Today I was too lazy to move the car out of the garage, and I also realized that "Hey, I only need half of the garage to do this anyway," so the car stayed.  Tomorrow, a new workout, and for Friday??  How about a rest day, celebrated with a haircut (that will, quite frankly, exhaust me), and end with a pear cider?  I say, "Yes, please!"  

Won't it be great if my abs are ever defined, in a shape other than round?  Haha!

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