Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Days 3 & 4

Well, I am pleased to announce that I am at WO #4, and still doing pretty good.  Yesterday I did the resistance workout, 3 Rounds, in 33 minutes (give or take a few).  It was a good workout, and I felt good completing it.  The blurry picture below is me doing pulse lunges with my 10 lb Ugi Fitness Ball.  I love my Ugi, but I totally underutilize it.

Today I did two rounds of the TRX workout, and I really believe that this baby is going to sculpt my back and inner thighs because both are SO sore!!  I did the abs too, but I forgot to take a picture, so you will have to take my word for it.  I am afraid, however, that the stress of the day may have negated my positive workout gains because I felt totally "compelled" to eat a bunch of chocolate covered almonds afterwards. I know, not the worst splurge ever, but that, combined with the amazing hamburger patty I had for dinner, might have undone my work.  :)  An occasional night of splurge, however, is unlikely to set me back too far.

So I have two more days to go in this week's challenge.  Tomorrow I am doing 4 rounds of the resistance work out.  I am almost ready to add another 5 lbs to the bag, but I want to do at least 1-2 days of all 5 rounds before I bump it up.  For Thursday, I am thinking of doing the GoKaleo playground workout in my garage, just to switch things up a bit.  Then Friday, REST DAY!

And really, the true celebration is that there are only 7 more days of school left in this school year.  Thank goodness!!!

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